AFRA Removalists Sydney
What is the AFRA?
AFRA only accredit those removalists that are fully trained and qualified industry professionals. Companies such as Man and His Van are AFRA removalists. Only AFRA members can arrange transit insurance for your removal and storage.
Take a look at the AFRA website. Thanks to AFRA for the provision of the below information.
The AFRA Code of Conduct
All AFRA removalists abide by the AFRA code of conduct:
1. Introduction
The AFRA Code of Conduct sets out certain minimum standards expected of members of the Australian Furniture Removalists Association Incorporated so that clients may, with confidence, place their work with a member.
2. Removalists Dealing with the Client
(a) Quotations must be on approved stationery.
(b) The contract conditions used must either be the AFRA Contract or one approved by AFRA.
(c) An option of insurance must be made available to the client. If the option of insurance is arranged through The Member, a document specifying the terms of the insurance must be made available to the client prior to the work being carried out.
3. Premises
The Member must maintain an office with public access that is in accordance with Local Council regulations. These premises must be adequate and suitable for the work undertaken and as stated in the member’s advertising.
4. Staff
(a) Members will provide adequate staff for the work undertaken.
(b) An AFRA removalists is expected to maintain a regular staff-training program.
5. Vehicles and Equipment
(a) Vehicles must be suitable in all respects for the work undertaken, maintained at least to the standards required by legislation, fully enclosed, and kept clean, both internally and externally.
(b) The Member must ensure that all materials and equipment used are in a safe and sound condition, adequate for the work to be undertaken and able to meet relevant Occupational, Health and Safety standards.
6. Insurance
Members will maintain adequate insurances in respect of potential claims against them including:
(a) Fire, flood, collision, and overturning insurance.
(b) Public liability;
(c) Motor vehicle third party property damage.
7. Disputes
(a) The Member agrees to make every effort to deal promptly with any complaint received from a client..
(b) When any complaint is made about a member to the Association, whether by a client or another member, the member will provide the Association with such information as it requests, within fourteen (14) working days, and will fully co-operate with the Association in the resolution of such complaint.
In the case of a dispute between a client, or a member and another member, and at the request of the client or member, the member concerned recognises that the Association is entitled to determine any such dispute and agrees to be bound by such determination.
8. Security Bond
Each member agrees to procure and maintain a bank guarantee, for each region, in favour of the Association.
9. Dealing with the Association
(a) Any change of services and/or facilities must be promptly notified to the Association.
(b) The member will participate in Association meetings and activities.
(c) An audit will be conducted by the Association on every member at the end of the first 12 months membership and thereafter every 4 years.
(d) The member will display a notice to the effect that they a member of the Association and is bound by the terms of the Code of Conduct.
10. Dealings with Other Members
Members are expected at all times to co-operate with other members, particularly in the event of unforseen difficulty or emergency which would otherwise adversely affect the level of service being provided to a client or clients.
11. Advertising
The Member will not advertise, or hold himself out as providing services that are not in fact provided and will not in any other way engage in false or misleading advertising.
12. Industrial Obligations
Members will at all times comply with all relevant industrial relations obligations, including relevant industrial awards, individual or collective workplace agreements, and all relevant State and/or Commonwealth statutes for employment related issues, including but not limited to superannuation, workers compensation, occupational health and safety, employment protection and equal employment opportunity.
Man and His Van
6/91-93 Old Pittwater Road
Brookvale NSW 2100
Northern Beaches Sydney
Telephon: 9907 3300
Email: theteam@manandhisvan.com.au
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