Tips for moving house with pets
When moving house, a good removalist can help make the process a more pleasant one for both you and the furry members of your family. When you have pets – cats, dogs, or other animals – moving can be an extremely stressful process. Below we have listed our top tips for making the process of moving house as stress-free as possible for your pets.
Tips for moving with pets
1. Have your pets identification details up to date
Before the move begins, make sure you update your pet’s tags with your new address and telephone number. If you are moving far from Sydney, another pre-move tip is to ask your veterinarian for your animal’s health records – including vaccinations – which you can give your new veterinarian when you move to your new community.
2. Prepare a first aid kit for your pets
Another health-related pre-move tip is to make a first-aid kit for your animal. Having basic knowledge of pet first-aid could potentially save your animal’s life in the rare case that something should happen. In any event, it is better to be prepared.
Consider adding gauze, wraps, adhesive tape, bandages, and towels to this kit, as well as a copy of your current veterinarian’s phone number. With pre-move preparations taken care of, there are a number of things you can do on moving day that will help alleviate the stress of moving with pets.
3. Don’t forget to pack pet food and any required medication
First, make sure that you have food and medication for your pet. Parcel food and pills out for one week in clear-plastic, moving-friendly containers that will make meal times an easy process.
4. Making pets comfortable on moving day
On moving day, place your pet in a part of your home that is far away from the noise and action of the move. Make sure this location is well-ventilated, quiet, and secure.
To keep people away from your animal, indicate with a sign that reads something like “Do Not Disturb! Pets Inside!”
The best way to move your pet is in a travel kennel or carrier that was specially designed to comfortably house your animal while in travel. If your car is too small to hold a travel container, a sturdy leash will also keep your animal under control.

Moving house with dogs
Although dogs are generally easier to maintain than cats and other more exotic types of pets, they have a tendency to notice and react to change. To keep your pup from whining or moping while preparing to move, keep its habits and daily routine as close to normal as possible.
Feed your dog, walk your dog, and play with your dog at scheduled times. And, to keep your dog from inhibiting the moving process, situate the animal in a separate room or area as you are moving, going in to check on it and give it attention every hour or so.
Remember, dogs are creatures of habit and comfort. Comforting your canine is a great way to ease him or her into your new surroundings.
When you are on the road, keep water and food on hand for longer moving trips, feeding and watering your dog as you normally would. Keep a leash and doggie bags in your pocket for the bathroom breaks that will inevitably occur.
If you are moving within Sydney or to a community close by, take your dog to your new home several times before moving day. Allow him or her to become familiar with the surroundings, the smells, and the terrain – so he knows what to expect from your new abode.
If you can, leave a toy or two behind so that your puppy has a ball, chew toy, or tug-o-war rope to connect your dog with their new home.

Moving house with cats
Cats are generally not fond of change. To ensure that your moving day as a cat owner is a pleasant one, give your cat ample time to familiarise itself with its travel carrier.
Beginning a few weeks before you plan to move, place the carrier in a location where your cat likes to hang out, leaving the carrier door open with a comfortable blanket or pillow inside. Begin feeding your cat in the carrier as well, too, so it begins to regard the container with a level of familiarity and associate it with comfort and nourishment.
On moving day, keep your kitty in a well-ventilated room with water. Again, indicate that your pet is inside by taping a sign to the door or area where your cat is confined.
Feed your cat a small breakfast to eliminate any possible stomach problems while you are in transit to your new location.
While you are in your car, under no regular circumstances should you open the travel kennel to coax or pet your kitty.
If your pet is nervous, it might take the opportunity of an open door to run out and hide somewhere.
The highly experienced Sydney removalist team at Man and His Van Removals can assist with all aspects of your house move including advising how you can prepare your pets for the big day. Check out our removalist prices here. To obtain an obligation free removalist quote, call us direct on 02-99073300, send us an email or complete our online enquiry form.
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